YSI PROFESSIONAL PLUS MULTIPARAMETER METER provides extreme flexibility for the measurement of a variety of combinations for dissolved oxygen, conductivity, specific conductance, salinity, resistivity, total dissolved solids (TDS), pH, ORP, pH/ORP combination, ammonium (ammonia), nitrate, chloride and temperature.

YSI 55D DISSOLVED OXYGEN MONITOR. A standard hand-held DO meter, which features dissolved oxygen in mg/L or % Oxygen. Push-button calibration, a built-in calibration chamber and direct salinity altitude compensation.

YSI 63 pH, CONDUCTIVITY TEMPERATURE MONITOR. Measures temperature, pH, conductivity and salinity with 50-reading memory with ID, super-stable 4 electrode conductivity cells, field-replaceable pH electrode.

YSI EC 300. The EC 300 measures conductivity, specific conductance, salinity and temperature. Includes a super-stable 4-electrode conductivity cell.

YSI 6920 MULTIPARAMETER WATER QUALITY INSTRUMENT SONDE. This is a logging system for long-term in situ monitoring and profiling. Set up to measure conductivity, temperature, dissolved oxygen, depth and calculates salinity. The 6920 can also be configured to measure pH and turbidity.

YSI 650 MDS All 6-series sondes work with the versatile rugged and feature-packed 650 Multiparameter Display System. Easily logs real-time data, calibrates and sets up sondes for deployment and upload data to a PC with options such as barometer and GPS Interface.

YSI 600XL WATER QUALITY MONITOR. Multi-parameter water qualtiy monitor, set up to measure pH, conductivity, temperature and dissolved oxygen. A YSI 610DM must be used in conjunction with this instrument to run in the field.

YSI 6500 WATER QUALITY MONITOR. A multi-parameter water quality system which continously monitors DO, conductivity, temperature and pH. Fixed panel mount and display to interface with the YSI 600XL in a fixed monitoring application.

YSI 6600 SONDE WITH CHLOROPHYLL PROBE. A Multiparameter instrument designed for long-term monitoring and profiling c/w EcoWatch Software. Comes with 6600-11 Sensor, Chlorophyll Probe, Turbidity Probe, 100ft 8 pin Field Cable, DO Probe Kit, pH Probe Kit, Db9/Ms8 Adapter, 6-Series Backpack 8.5vdc 115v Power Supply, Manual and Carry Case.

YSI 556 MPS METER. It simultaneously measures dissolved oxyge, pH, conductivity, temperature and ORP. It can store over 49,000 data sets, time and date stamped interval or multilogging

YSI EXO MULTI-PARAMETER WATER QUALITY SONDE is configured with Cond / Temp; pH; DO; Turbidity. Accessories include 66 meter Field Cable; Handheld Display; Rechargeable Li-on Battery Pack; Wheeled Carry Case; USB Adapter; Wiper; Anti-Fouling Sleeves.

LA MOTTE TC-3000e TRI-METER. This is a compact water analysis instrument designed for precision measurements of Turbidity, Chlorine and Color. It is equipped with an advanced microprocessor to drive a patent pending optical system that permits EPA or ISO compliant measurements for the water and wastewater analyst.

LA MOTTEÂ SMART SPECTROPHOTOMETER. Over 80 pre-programmed tests included, and 25 user calibrations can be entered into the memory using reagent systems. REAGENTS SOLD SEPARATELY.

LA MOTTE SMART 3 COLORIMETER. The compact SMART3 Colorimeter is ideal for water analysis in the field or in the lab. Easy to use software allows the analyst to choose a test factor from over 75 pre-programmed calibrations for LaMotte reagent systems. Reagents sold separately.

ISCO 6712 FULL-SIZE PORTABLE SAMPLER. Includes controller, top cover, center section, base distributor arm, two pump tubes, instruction manual and pocket guide. Also includes 24 bottle (24 x 1 L polypropylene) configuration, 25 ft suction line and strainer, and two Model 934 Ni-Cad battery packs and battery charger.

ISCO 2150 AREA VELOCITY FLOW MODULE. The 2150 Flow Module uses continuous wave Doppler technology to measure mean velocity. The sensor transmits a continuous ultrasonic wave, then measures the frequency shift of returned echoes reflected by air bubbles or particles in the flow.

ISCO 4110 ULTRASONIC FLOW LOGGER. For flow measurement in streams containing harsh chemicals, grease or suspended solids. The logger features a non-contacting sensor that quickly and easily installs above the flow stream.

ISCO GLS WATER SAMPLER. Automatic composite water sampler, which comes complete with nicad battery pack, charger, suction line, strainer and sample bottle.

ISCO 750 AREA VELOCITY LOW PROFILE MODULE. The sensor on the 750 module uses Doppler technology to directly measure average velocity in the flow stream. An integral pressure transducer measures liquid depth to determine flow area.

GLOBAL FLOW PROBE – This is a highly accurate, lightweight water velocity instrument that is excellent for storm water runoff studies, measuring flows in streams, rivers and partially filled pipes. The anodized aluminium telescoping handle is available in lengths that extend from 5ft. to 15ft.

WILKS INFRACAL TOG/TPH ANALYZER. This unit provides an easy infrared analysis method for on-site measurement of total oil and grease (TOG), and total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) in water and soil samples and fat, oil and grease (FOG) levels in water samples. It can read out infrared absorption values or they can be calibrated to display concentrations directly in any desired format such as ppm or milligram/kg.

The Precision Flow 190PD is a portable hand held Dual Mode clamp-on ultrasonic flowmeter. The Precision Flow 190PD can operate in both Doppler and Transit time modes, this allows the flow measurement of both dirty and clean fluids and also includes a choice of analog outputs, thickness gauge option, graphical display of data, data logger, RS232, USB, on board help, automatic speed of sound measurement and flow profile correction algorithm.

THE PARTECH 740 SUSPENDED SOLIDS MONITOR provides, quick and accurate readings of Suspended Solids, Sludge Blanket Level, and Turbidity, via an intuitive menu structure from a totally portable package.